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District Projects

Boat Launch - Barclay Complex

Through a grant secured from Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Cameron County Conservation District recently installed a boat launch on Sinnemahoning Creek at the Barclay Complex in Grove Township. A 150’ x 8’ concrete path was installed just downstream of the Wycoff Road Bridge to help visitors easily and safely access the Sinnemahoning Creek.

AG - Water Tank Install

In December the Cameron County Conservation District assisted Bill and Cathy Lyon with the installation of a water tank on their Bryan Hill Farm. The water tank installation is a phase of a larger US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) funded project to cost-share the installation of water troughs and fencing on the Lyon Farm pasture so that the Lyons can rotationally graze their cattle herd. Rotational grazing has a number of environmental benefits that occur by allowing pastures to adequately rest between grazing. Soil health improves, carbon is sequestered in the soil to increase its organic content and rainwater infiltration increases while reducing stormwater runoff and soil erosion. Farmers also see economic benefits to rotational grazing through increased forage production in pastures, an increase in drought resilience in pastures, decreased "weed" problems and an extended grazing season. Nelson Excavating and Electrical Contracting performed the water tank installation work at the Lyon Farm.

AG - Manure Storage Building

In September the Conservation District built a manure storage building at Junior Grimone's farm in North Creek. The project was funded by a Growing Greener Grant received by Headwaters Resource Conservation and Development Council. The new manure storage building allows for the manure from the pigs on the Grimone Farm to be stored under a covered roof out of the rain and the elements. It eliminates nutrient runoff from the former manure storage area that was entering North Creek during heavy rain events. The new manure storage building will also allow the Grimone Farm to store the manure throughout winter so that it can be applied during the growing season in the spring, when the nutrients can be best utilized by the crops. By applying the manure during the spring growing season, it reduces the risk of runoff carrying manure from the fields into nearby waterways, while optimizing the fertility benefit of the manure and reducing the costs for purchasing and applying synthetic fertilizers. The manure storage building was constructed by James Hart Construction of Smethport.

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May Hollow 49 Retrofit

The cleanup of the Sterling Run drainage has been a major goal of the Conservation District for well over 20 years.  In the last year or so, our efforts have been strong enough to bring many of the streams we are working on up to  Class A status including Finley Run, Portable Run, and Sterling Run.  However some work is still needed in areas.  In 2020 the District completed the Retrofit of our May Hollow 49 treatment system.  Flows had increased coming out of the system ineffective during high flows.  A third vertical flow wetland was installed to ramp up the treatment.  Now the system is performing flawlessly. 

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Driftwood Boat Launch Restoration

In 2018 the District installed a canoe launch in the Borough of Driftwood at the confluence of the Driftwood Branch and Bennetts Branch.  Upstream on the Driftwood some erosion was occurring.  This bank is approximately 300' long and 8' high.  In 2020 the District installed a 300 foot long random log restoration.  Two loads of logs were installed randomly and pinned together and rip rap was placed to stabilize the bank and hold down the logs as well.  The randomness of the logs just added a diversity of pocket water against the bank and is great holding water for trout, bass and other inhabitants of the Driftwood.

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Morgan Stabilization

The Morgan Stabilization consisted of a couple smaller sites within a larger property that totaled approximately 400 feet in length.  Along this stretch various techniques were used to stabilize the banks and create high quality fish habitat.  A log crossvane, two log framed stone deflectors, four single log deflectors and a 100 foot rootwad reclamation were installed.  

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